
The Tasmemak application is designed to collect all the ideas designed for events and celebrations in an automatically organized way that makes it easy to share them according to the type of occasion and events.


The Tasmemak application is designed to collect all the ideas designed for events and celebrations in an automatically organized way that makes it easy to share them according to the type of occasion and events.

Tasmemak is your new indispensable application to interact with the important events that you share with friends, relatives and colleagues.

Technology Stack

Flutter , laravel


Eid Mubarak

Congratulate your friends and loved ones on the blessed Eid Al-Adha through the application of Tasmemak APP We have the most beautiful designs


Add your photo & your Family Ptoto

We carefully choose the best designs for you to combine your photos and your family's photos with the most beautiful designs of nature


Hajj & Umrah

The most beautiful and best designs to congratulate the Hajj and Umrah performers with ease